What girl does not want to look slim and fit? But the gym is expensive for many, jogging is too long, and the lauded bar is mortal boredom.
The way out can be “crawling” - a new fitness trend, the essence of which is that you need to do exercises, just crawling like a small child.
Crawling (or crawling) is work on the floor with its own weight, somewhat resembling a bar. But if the plank is annoying because of its static nature, then the crowling is a dynamic and fun complex, especially for those who like to fall into childhood from time to time.
“I advise Crowling for a variety of reasons,” says personal trainer Ellie Gray. - Crawling, you strain to keep the body under the influence of a constant isometric load. This is how not only strength, but also endurance develops. Krouling strengthens the entire body - from the wrists and shoulders to the hips and ankles. In addition, crawling normalizes blood pressure and has a beneficial effect on the back. "
Home crawling by the method of Ellie Gray
Get up on all fours. Expose hands slightly forward. Knees shoulder width.
Strain the body and tear off your knees 2-3 cm from the floor.
Keep your back parallel to the floor. Imagine that you are a cat that hunts. Gently move forward according to this scheme: first, the left hand - then the right leg, then the right hand and left leg. Move a few centimeters at a time.
Having passed through the whole room in this way, stop and “turn back”. Now the movements begin with the foot - the opposite hand is tightened next.
Be attentive to the sensations in your knees and wrists: if pain appears, stop. While crawling, try to distribute body weight evenly across all four points of support. The spine should be straight.
Ellie Gray advises crawling for 3-5 minutes until you get tired. For variety, you can crawl not only back and forth, but also sideways - left-right. For better efficiency, crawling would be nice to include in a comprehensive training. For example, such: intensive walking on the spot, a plank, squats, a bridge and crawling.
The main thing - do not hesitate to crawl in front of home, because in every adult person a child lives somewhere deep, so there is nothing shameful in giving him, to Guide of your body from everyday..
Be slim and beautiful! Start training at home today - your body will be in shape. Eat right and pay attention to the sport!
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