How To Get Rid From Pimples At Home Quickly

How To Get Rid From Pimples At Home Quickly:

Pimples are a serious problem that can be faced at any age. And the discomfort it brings not only physiological (soreness, and sometimes bleeding), but also psychological: many people because of pimples can begin difficulties in communication, lost confidence in themselves, developing complexes. 

So getting rid of acne is not only a question of your health, but also of success in life. Today we will tell you how to get rid of acne at home. 

Specialists in various fields of medicine argue that there is no single answer to the question about the causes of the appearance of acne. But it is from the cause of such an unpleasant phenomenon will depend on the method of treatment.

IF You Have A Pimple, And Even The Whole Face Is Covered With Inflammation, It May Mean That:

You eat wrong and/or have gastrointestinal disorders. Abuse of fast food, too much fried food, and over-eating in general can cause skin problems. Pimples are also an opportunity to visit a gastroenterologist because they may indicate the presence of ulcer, gastritis, cholecystitis or dysbiosis. What should I do? Visit your doctor, take appropriate tests, review your diet: there are more vegetables and fruits, less flour, fast food and semi-finished products, avoid "heavy" food - mayonnaise (including mayonnaise dressing and sauces), smoked meats, sausages, fries, etc.

You are no interesting to take care of your Dermis. Use of creams that are not suitable for your skin type, improper cleaning, and abuse of cosmetics can all lead to unwanted rashes. Even some shaving gels can cause pimples in men. What can I do? It is advisable to clean your face twice a day, in the morning and in the evening. Never be lazy and be sure to wash off your makeup before bedtime! Visit a beauty therapist to find out about your skin type and to find the right products.

You have a hormonal failure. Hormonal disturbances are one of the most common causes of pimples, both in adolescence and in adults. Women may suffer from acne during menstruation, after pregnancy or in other cases where there is hormonal imbalance. What should I do? See your endocrinologist and gynecologist, take hormone tests. Keep in mind that a hormonal failure can lead to serious health problems.

For example, Poly cystic ovaries and mastopathy in women, so do not postpone the decision on this issue in a long box. As you can see, very often the appearance of pimples depends on some health problems, so it is desirable to treat them from the inside. But to find out the exact cause, it is advisable to see a dermatologist, who will most likely send you to take tests or other specialists. Sometimes, however, the problem can be solved more easily by using proven home remedies.

Ways to Get Rid of Pimples Pay Attention to these ways, Which can be Easily used at Home.

Masks from pimples Kefir mask you need: 

1 tbsp. kefir, 1 tbsp. oatmeal, a little lemon.
Preparation: Mix kefir and oatmeal flakes, previously crushed in a blender, add a drop of lemon, apply to the face for 20 minutes.
Repeat the procedure daily for a month.

Honey-based mask you will need:

2 hours of quality honey, one yolk, lemon (a couple of drops). Preparation: mix everything, apply for 10 minutes. It is enough 3-5 procedures.

Mask of Laundry Soap you will need: 

A piece of laundry soap, 1 p.l. of fine salt. Preparation:

Rub soap on a grater and whisk it into foam, adding a little water. Mix the resulting foam (1 tbsp) with salt and apply for 30 minutes, then rinse off. Perform the procedure three times a week for a month. Pimple tinctures Pimple tinctures can be used as lotions to cleanse problem skin 2 times a day.

One of the most effective folk remedies for pimples - chamomile infusion.

1 tsp. chamomile pour a glass of boiling water, leave for 30 minutes and strain. 

Another remedy, known for its anti-inflammatory and soothing properties - aloe juice.

For lotion you can use pure (freshly squeezed) juice or diluted (water or, for example, potato juice at the rate of 2:1).
Ointments and pimple gels If you do not have the time or desire to prepare infusions and masks from improvised means, pay attention to the ready-made medicines - ointments and gels. However, it is worth choosing a medicine with all the responsibility. Pay attention to the composition, possible side effects and contraindications. 

For Example, unauthorized use of products containing antibiotics or hormones may cause additional health problems. There are also drugs that are too dry and contain alcohol, which can also have a negative effect on the skin.

On the other hand, the effect of a properly selected product can be seen after the first use. Sometimes, these products not only help to get rid of acne, but also remove traces, heal scars and smooth the skin. Do not forget to consult the relevant specialists and pass all prescribed tests, so as not to aggravate the health situation.

How to get rid of the traces (scars) after pimples get rid of pimples - it's only half the trouble, because after their disappearance may remain deep scars.

It is Believed that folk Remedies help to Eliminate the Traces of Acne: 

Sandalwood paste is considered one of the most effective ways to get rid of the traces of acne.
You will need sandalwood powder to prepare it and soak it in water (you can also use pink water or milk) overnight. Pasta is applied to the problem areas and washed away after drying (10-15 minutes); lemon juice is also good for getting rid of scars - just rub the lemon into the problem areas, but it is quite aggressive, and in its purest form should be used with caution if you have a thin sensitive skin. 

Lemon juice is also a great cleanser; parsley decoction is good for pouring into moulds and freezing, and then wiping your face with it for 2-3 months daily.


For its preparation, pour a glass of boiling water into the finely chopped parsley and leave for 30 minutes. If you prefer medicines, then choose a comprehensive, combined remedy for acne, which also relieves acne, and promotes healing already formed scars - today the choice of such ointments and gels is large enough.

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