Acupressure Points and Massage Treatment for Pain

Acupressure Points and Massage Treatment for Pain

Point massage

The flat part of a nail or fingertip massage, which is a point massage, has not only proved its worth over the past 5000 years in China, but has also been developed to this day, becoming a highly accurate and effective method.
Acupressure Points and Massage Treatment for Pain

Treating the disease with just a finger is convenient and effective. Point massage can be used by anyone who has mastered it. The use of this method of treatment gives relatively good results in diseases associated with disorders of the spine and joints. Point areas of the skin surface of the torso, limbs and head, which were affected by the finger, were called "kun-shue" in Chinese medicine, which means "hole" or "hole", which later received the European name - "biologically active points".

Point massage is performed:

1) with the middle finger of the hand,

2) with your index finger,

3) with the thumb (end of the finger or nail pressure).

The techniques are used:

Finger stabbing, finger pressing, finger kneading, nail injection.

Fig.. Position of the fingers at the point massage: I - finger sticking; II - finger pressing; III - finger kneading; b - nail injection.

The impact on the point can be different in time and force: strong, medium and weak.

Strong effect - braking (soothing) has an anti-sore effect. Exposure time is 3-5 minutes.

Average impact - also braking (soothing). But it is weaker and the exposure time is shorter (2-3 min).

Low impact - exciting. Irritation is done by the finger strongly and quickly. Exposure time is 30 seconds. This method of arousal will not be discussed in this chapter, as only the braking (soothing) effect is used in spinal pain.

Point massage with cervical osteochondrosis

Cervical osteochondrosis during the period of exacerbation is characterized by acute pain in the neck, which increases with the movement of the head. Pain can be given to the neck and arm (radicular syndrome), increased by sudden movements, taking the hand away and raising it up. Patient joint movements are limited, and painful points are found in the course of the nerve trunks. In cervical osteochondrosis, as a rule, there are severe headaches.

In cervical osteochondrosis, pain in the shoulder and upper extremities affect the points:

1. On the hands:

HE-GU (1), SHOW-SAN-LI (2), BIO-NAO (3), JUI-GU (4).

Fig. Point massage with cervical osteochondrosis on arms, shoulders and back

2. On shoulders and back:


3. on the neck and head:

NAO-HU (13), FENG-FU (14), TIAN-YU (15), TIAN-CHJU (16), SIN-SHE (17), TIAN-CHUAN (18). (Fig. 112.)

In case of severe pain, there is a strong braking effect for 3-5 minutes. When the pain is relieved, it has an average effect for 2-3 minutes.

Fig. Point massage with cervical osteochondrosis on the neck and head

Point massage for headaches

Headache is most often caused by arterial spasms and is caused by cervical osteochondrosis. Headaches are relieved by certain points depending on the localization of the pain.

Point of impact on the head:

FENG CHI (1), NO-HU (2), QIANG JIAN (3), HOU DING (4), BAI HUI (5), JIAN DING (6), SHANXI (7). SHEN-TEING (8), TOU-WAI (9), YIN-TANG (10), TAI-YANG (11), SI-BUI (12), HAE-GU (13), SHOW-SAN-LI (14), QUI-CHI (15), KUN-LOON (16), SAN-YIN-JIAO (17), TSZU-SAN-LI (18). (Fig. 113.)

Points are inhibited if the headache is related to hypertension; if hypotension is excitatory for 30 seconds.

Point massage for thoracic radiculitis and intercostal neuralgia

Chest pains, intercostal pains, booty pains, heart pains are symptoms of breast osteochondrosis. In chest pains are very effective effects on the points:

XINJIANG (1), ZU-SAN-LI (2), HE-GU (3), VAI-GUAN (4), QUI-CHI (5), DA ZHU (6), FEI SHU (7), XIN SHU (8), DU SHU (9), GE-SHU (10), GAN SHU (11), DAN SHU

(12), WRITE-SHU (13), YUN-MEN (14), YUI-CHUN (15), LIN-SHU (16), TAN-CHUN (17), BU-LAN (18). (Fig. 114.)

Fig. Point massage with chest radiculitis and intercostal neuralgia

The points are braked.

Spot massage with lumbosacral radiculitis

Lumbosacral radiculitis is characterized by acute pain in the lumbar region, sacrum and leg pain - in the course of the sciatic, femoral or other nerves. These pains are caused by spinal cord injuries. Pain is usually caused by heavy lifting, abrupt awkward movement, long ride in transport (as a consequence of shaking), prolonged standing on the feet, etc.

With lumbosacral osteochondrosis there are diseases of the joints: hip, knee and ankle. One of the types of self-help in radiculitis is spot massage on the following points:

KUN-LOON (1), SHU-GU (2), TSZE-SI (3), REAN-GU (4), SAN-IN-CHIAO (5), CHEN-SHAN (6), WEI-CHUN (7), WEI-YANG (8), YIN-MEN (9), CHEN-FU (10), HUAN-CHUN (11), XIA-LAO (12), JI-BYAN (13), ZHON-LAO (14), TSI-LAO (15), SHAN-LAO (16), DA-CHAN-SHU (17), MIN-MEN (18). (Fig. 115.)

The impact on the points is braking.

Fig. 115. Point massage with lumbosacral radiculitis and intercostal neuralgia

Main points of treatment with acupressure massage

The massage should be carried out in a consistent manner. The degree and duration of exposure should be determined by the person's ability to tolerate treatment.

The duration of the point massage is determined by the nature and course of the disease.

Before starting, relax, do not talk, do not think about the possible unpleasant feelings that arise during the acupressure point massage. Biologically active points are usually very painful. If the pain at the point is too much, it indicates the location of the lesion (point or meridian).

If fatigue occurs after a treatment session, the dose should be reduced for subsequent sessions.

If, however, the condition after the treatment is satisfactory, the acupressure continues in the same mode. If the condition improves after the procedure, and the next day it deteriorates again, the treatment should be performed daily, and after some time to repeat 2-3 sessions a week.

The course of treatment should not exceed 12 sessions, then a short break should be taken, after which the second course can be started.

If the therapeutic effect cannot be achieved after three courses of acupressure massage, the method of treatment should be changed.

Point massage can be used to prevent osteochondrosis. The ancient medical treatise "Huangdei-jing" says: "You need to treat the disease before it appears.

Point massage causes almost no side effects. When used, it gives a good healing effect. The indications for acupressure massage are very extensive. Positive results bring treatment with point massage of diseases of the spine, the effects of injuries in the spine and joints, joint contractures, paresis and muscle atrophy, as well as many other diseases associated with osteochondrosis.

General contraindications that exclude the use of any massage include: blood diseases, skin diseases, purulent processes, vascular thrombosis, acute cardiovascular insufficiency and marked forms of mental illness. Any massage with acute inflammatory processes and tumors is especially contraindicated.

Point massage gives comparatively good results in the treatment of some acute diseases, chronic diseases or their symptoms, although the limits of its use are still not clear.

It should be noted that acupressure massage is most effective given the specific phases of the moon. It is known that the Moon affects the world ocean, forming tides and tides, makes the Earth's crust rise. The moon affects the mass of plasma and the nervous system of our body. It has an even more important impact on human energy potential.

Fig. 116. Schematic diagram of moon rotation phases around the Sun

Thus, during the full moon, the effect on the biologically active points, therapeutic massage, exercises should be soothing. And during the new moon you need tonic massage and active exercises. In ancient Chinese books it is noticed that at the nascent Moon in the first day one point is taken, in the second - two points and so on up to fourteen points till the middle of the lunar month. Then the number of points goes down to one point, reaching the border of the next new moon. It is not easy to imagine the whole picture of the Moon's influence on the Earth. Monthly lunar biorhythms reflect only part of the cosmic natural phenomena affecting the body.

Schematically, the lunar phases are shown in Fig. 116. The orbit shows the Moon (half-lighted by the Sun) in different positions relative to the Earth. Inside, different phases of the Moon are shown, as they are visible from the Earth.

When the Moon is in orbit between the Earth and the Sun, the unlit part of the Moon will be directed to the Earth, and in this case it is not visible from the Earth - it is a new moon phase (1). If the Moon is in a position directly opposite to the Sun (5), then its part facing the Earth will be fully illuminated by the Sun, and the Moon will be visible from the Earth in the form of a full disk - this is the full moon phase. When the directions to the Moon and the Sun make up an angle of 90°, half of the illuminated Moon will be visible from the Earth. These phases are called the first quarter (3) and the last quarter (7).

2-3 days after the new moon, another phase of the Moon will be visible as a narrow sickle (2).

The period from the new moon to the new moon is about 29.5 mean solar days and is called the "Synodic Month".

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