Pain Point Massage Lesson

Pain Point Massage Lesson:

Pain Point Massage Lesson

Headache, toothache, colds and allergies, insomnia and fatigue, joint pain... Massaging painful points will help you and your loved ones to return to full life. It is not only a temporary relief, it also relieves the cause of pain, relieves spasms and restores normal blood supply to the body. Carry out massage exercises not only when the pain has already arisen, but also for prevention, and you will forget about your illness forever.

Painful points: weapons or cure-all:

The story about the painful points of the organism and therapeutic effect on them, in my opinion, should begin, strange as it may seem, with the "secret" types of martial arts. However, what is strange about it? Dedication to the higher ones is given to karate, taekwondo, wushu, other schools and directions implies obtaining knowledge about biologically active points and methods of influence on them. Only such knowledge was applied not for the sake of treatment, but to achieve an immediate and unconditional victory. However, we know that in the olden days the word "potion", for example, meant both "poison" and "medicine". So here, too: with this truly essential knowledge, we can kill and treat.

At a time when information is spreading like a plague epidemic in the Middle Ages, there is nothing top-secret about knowing pain points. Of course, none of the masters will show you the real "points of death", but the active points, the click on which can cause a reaction, is described in any manual on point massage or acupuncture (acupuncture).

In punctum dolorosum (Latin) medicine, it is a point on the body that causes pain. The doctrine of biologically active points adopted among martial arts apologists is called juju-jutsu or Chinese zhen-jiu.

In general, Eastern philosophies, which are the cornerstone of both medicine and martial arts, preach a postulate about the unity of man and the universe, which allows a man to accumulate the energy of the Cosmos in the body. Further, from purely speculative conclusions the masters pass to specifics and teach that cosmic energy flows through strictly marked channels, localized from three sources: the higher, mental, guiding the work of the brain, the middle, responsible for the physical functions of the body, the lower, determining the relationship with the earth and nature. This means that the development of the system of regulation of this energy through the impact on energy points is considered not only a method of treatment, but also a sacral action designed to strengthen the unity of man, the sky and the earth.

As the sources testify, the first information about the points of influence on the human body appeared in China and India, then in Japan. In Sanskrit, the language of ancient India, vital points were called "marms". They are mentioned in Ayurveda, the ancient Indian system of recovery. There, in India, some painful points were used in ancient Indian martial arts, about which only fragmented information has come to our attention.

The Chinese science of acupuncture has advanced far beyond the Indian science. However, this is not an undeniable fact, since much less information about the ancient Indian culture is available to us than about the culture of China. For centuries, India has been the scene of bloody battles for the richest peninsula, and in the fires of battles historical sources have been dying irrevocably. On the other hand, Chinese scientists, thanks to the fact that China remained a monocultural and integral state in general, have developed and deepened their knowledge of the energies that feed us and circulate on our bodies - the so-called energy meridians. Correspondingly, the science of the points and their components has been formed. Modern science, however, in its ideas about point massage is based not so much on the energy component, but on the physiological one - for example, solving the problems of blood circulation with the help of massage of pain zones, etc. However, the truth is that the point of pain, that is, the point at which the most painful, most often coincides with a particular biologically active point specified in the ancient eastern treatises. So the concepts of "biologically active point" and "pain point" can be combined to some extent.

It is not surprising that the knowledge of the possibilities of negative influence on vital points is a serious weapon, which quickly became the property of the military, masters of hand-to-hand combat. In addition, both in China and later in Japan, martial arts often went hand in hand with medicine. The then-existing "Master (Sensei) - Student" training system made it possible to pass on knowledge of the subject orally and keep it secret.

By the way, I would like to note that during the years of the uncontrolled literature market (which does not mean, of course, censorship) several dozens of books have been published that pretend to be called textbooks on the impact on the "points of death". In Russian-language bookstores you can buy "death penalty atlases" written allegedly by Shaolin monks with detailed descriptions of the impact on them. For example, if you just point your finger at a certain point, paralysis of the hands or feet, your opponent will go blind, deaf or even turn into a plant ... It is not only said that the use of such techniques requires many years of practice under the guidance of someone very advanced in the art of "mortal touch". And this "very advanced" guru, Sensei, etc. will never entrust their knowledge to the textbook. This art is transmitted only from teacher to student, and in no other way.

Treatment is a different matter.

Let's talk a little more about the Chinese methods of influence on painful points.

Zhen-jiu therapy, which appeared in China a few thousand years ago, includes acupuncture, cauterization and acupuncture. This type of treatment is still popular today, because it gives tangible results in the treatment of many diseases, including those that are considered incurable in traditional medicine.

The very method of Chinese acupressure point massage (zhen) consists in various forms of pressure on biologically active points, which are responsible for the bioelectricity of the body. In turn, these points connect the special ways (meridians) that carry the vital energy of chi, or chi.

The massage of a certain point is performed with a fingertip or nail. In doing so, pain-blocking substances are released, resulting in the disappearance of pain and the growth of blood flow to the corresponding point in the body. Organs and tissues are enriched with oxygen, metabolism is accelerated, tense muscles are relaxed, and the body gets rid of toxins faster. All this enhances the body's resistance, gives a person vigour and energy.

In the treatment of what diseases is used Chinese massage of pain points? First of all, it helps with headaches, joint diseases, is useful for arthritis, chronic bronchitis, tracheitis, bronchial asthma. This massage is also shown for hypertension, stomach ulcer, myositis, sciatica, constipation.

With the help of Zhenjiu therapy it is possible to overcome insomnia and fatigue, to increase the efficiency and memory, to fight against obesity, aging of the skin and the body as a whole. Pain point massage is also useful in the fight against stress and depression.

Point massage will help women to keep their youthfulness and attractiveness if they wish. It makes the skin more elastic, relaxes the facial muscles, prevents the formation of wrinkles.

In sports practice, point self-massage is used before and after competitions and trainings. It helps to increase body tone, prevent injuries and improve sports results.

Point massage for children is very useful. With the systematic implementation of the sessions of acupressure massage they improve the ability to remember, increases perseverance, so that children begin to learn much better.

The relay race from the Chinese masters was picked up by the Japanese, who borrowed a lot from their neighbors, primarily from the Chinese, not only in terms of medicine, but also culture in general. However, it should be noted that due to the historical development of medicine, the Japanese had a somewhat "militaristic" character.

In the 3rd century, the classic Chinese treatise on medicine "Huangdi Nei Jing" was brought to Japan and almost immediately became very popular among Japanese doctors. 400 years later, Emperor Suiko sent a group of Japanese students to China to study acupuncture. The Chinese monks who spread Buddhism in Japan and acquired students also had healing skills that they shared with their followers (of course, unless it was about the ability to take a life).

However, the Japanese did not just adopt the knowledge, they developed it, and a number of new systems combining medicine, martial arts and esoterics have grown on the land of this country.

The beautiful legend of the origin of Ju-jujutsu tells us how the Japanese physician Akayama Shirobei, after many years of studying classical Chinese medicine, learned the principle of pliability by observing the snow falling from the flexible branches of willow. He combined already known ways of influencing a person with techniques based on the known principle, and created the Yoshin Ryu school, which became very popular. What is this, but not the combination of medicine and poetry? By the way, Hippocrates, for example, paid a lot of attention to music in the treatment of mental illnesses...

There is less refined historical evidence. The famous Japanese military commander Minamoto Yoshimitsu studied methods of influencing vital points on the bodies of captured enemy soldiers. Undoubtedly, this practice has significantly expanded the arsenal of military equipment by adding combat techniques to the body's points of impact.

Not surprisingly, it is the Japanese who have developed a method that organically combines two sides of the impact on painful points - kappo and sappo. Sappo is a method of killing, kappo is a method of treatment, recovery of a person after traumas. The technique of influencing painful points in both cases can be similar in appearance.

Methods of treatment and recovery of the human body were the subject of study in the vast majority of schools of Japanese martial arts. They had to be mastered by all senior students, and the practice of killing and defeating with pain points was considered to be a secret knowledge and was passed on only to a narrow circle of the chosen ones.

Today, as before, future masters of a wide profile master the kappo in combination with cocodo shiatsu - point massage, keiraku-therapy - work with energy channels and esoteric aspects of medicine, ammas and mokso massage - the technique of burning points. It should be noted that most of the masters of jujujutsu have long had the opportunity not only to help soldiers in case of injuries in the fight or in training, but also to cure many organic diseases of man.

The purpose of this book is to tell about the methods of massage of painful points and areas of the body in the case of the most common diseases that do not require the participation of a specialist in the treatment. In general, most of the methods proposed are self-massage methods, but if there is a person around who is able to identify the points of pain and influence them, it is only a plus to the treatment, because to some extent the energy of those who influence the points correctly is transmitted to the patient and the help is more effective.

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