Use of Frozen Lemons | Benefits of Frozen Lemons

Use of Frozen Lemons:

Use of Frozen Lemons | Benefits of Frozen Lemons

All citrus fruits, including lemons, are useful for the human body, because they contain a large amount of vitamins, macro- and microelements. But there is an opinion that they are useful only in a fresh form, while canned and frozen fruits lose their properties. However, frozen lemon can also be used.

Doctors recommend to use lemon together with the skin, because in the lemon peel is 10 times more vitamin C than in pulp and juice.

Properties of frozen lemon

Frozen lemons have the same useful properties as fresh ones. Even after prolonged freezing, they retain the following elements:
  1. Potassium and calcium, which help to regulate the heart rate and strengthen bones;
  2. Magnesium and copper have a positive effect on the cardiovascular system;
  3. Vitamins A, B, C and P, which have a complex effect on the human body;
  4. Alkaline elements that restore the body's functions, improve the functioning of the gallbladder;
  5. Nitrogenous substances, which are a source of energy for the body;
  6. phytoncides and other biologically active substances that kill or suppress the growth and development of bacteria in the body.
Ascorbic acid, which is also called vitamin C, is destroyed by high temperatures, but is preserved by freezing. If you freeze the lemon, the other vitamins that make up it, lose 25% of their usefulness.

All microelements of citrus are resistant to the conditions of the freezing chamber, so they remain unchanged.

Use of frozen lemon
The use of frozen lemon is
  1. recovery of digestive processes;
  2. bowel cleansing;
  3. Reduced body temperature in colds;
  4. relieve sore throat at acute respiratory infections;
  5. Strengthening and maintaining immunity;
  6. Neutralization of stress and depression.
The lemons are healthy, thanks to the juice, which retains 90% of the substances after storage in the freezer. Lemon juice contains vitamins and trace elements that destroy bacteria, prevent viruses from multiplying, and remove toxins from blood, intestines, kidneys and liver. Ascorbic acid in miraculous juice also kills cancer cells and prevents the formation of tumours.

Contraindications for the use of frozen lemon
Although frozen lemon is a natural product, in certain cases it cannot be consumed. These include:
  1. Citrus allergy: even when frozen, this fruit is the strongest allergen;
  2. presence of gastrointestinal diseases: ulcers, gastritis, citrus can exacerbate problems;
  3. presence of hypertension: citrus juice is able to regulate vascular wall tension, which sometimes leads to increased blood pressure;
  4. Pancreatic inflammation: lemon juice stimulates the work of an important organ of the digestive system, and its enzymes, instead of dissolving food, begin to destroy the pancreatic walls;
  5. Breastfeeding period: infants have not yet developed a gastrointestinal tract, so substances entering them through breast milk cause colic or other stomach problems.
Also, doctors do not recommend giving frozen citrus to children under 3 years of age: until this age, the gastrointestinal tract is in the process of formation. It should not be used as an additional treatment for acute respiratory infections or colds in raw form, but it is allowed to be added to tea.

Use of frozen lemon

Frozen lemon is suitable for everyday consumption and for the treatment of certain diseases. In folk medicine, there are different recipes for making medicines out of this fruit after it has been frozen.

Features of freezing lemons
To freeze lemons at home, it is necessary to wash fruit thoroughly (preferably with soap), sprinkle it with boiling water or brush the skin with a toothbrush, then dry it and place it in the freezer. The citruses are stored intact or on a grater. Lemons take up a lot of space in their entirety, but the advantage of this way of storing them is that they will look like they have just been bought when they are taken out of the freezer in a few weeks or months.

Terry lemon has all the same properties and retains all the nutrients for a few months. This storage option is more practical because lemon zest takes up little space in the freezer. It is used as a food additive or medicine.

The rind is rubbed on a grater and then placed in a plastic bag, jar or ice maker. Flesh is frozen separately.

Variants for using lemons
It is possible to eat this fruit separately after freezing, cut it into slices and sprinkle it with sugar, as well as to drink tea and lemon juice and add it to water or different dishes. Cedar is also a good vitamin supplement to any dish, gives them a pronounced taste and pleasant aroma. Lemon zest and lemon juice, which replaces salt, are useful for slimming and help to lose weight even by 4 degrees of obesity.

This product has a greater impact on the body in combination with olive oil. This mixture is able to clean the liver, if you take it daily for a month. Frozen slices or mugs will become a decoration for cocktails or salads.

Lemon versus oncology
Frozen lemons help with oncology. They contain components of plant origin that affect the metabolism. The lemon zest contains polymethoxy-flavones that destroy cancer cells in the digestive organ. Other chemicals have a positive effect on blood vessels and blood, preventing the formation of tumours.

You can't blindly assume that frozen lemons will save you from cancer, but this product should be used to prevent cancer cell metastasis. These citruses cannot be considered as a substitute for chemotherapy: they are suitable for additional treatment. Their use helps to get rid of bacteria and infections that often attack the weakened organism.

Using lemon skins
Lemon zest, among other useful elements, contains large amounts of vitamin P and polysaccharide. Lemon rinds are used to make essential oils. Juice from the zest is extracted by pressing or processing. The product destroys viruses and bacteria, makes the vessels elastic and reduces blood pressure.

Lemon components, even when frozen, cannot harm the body if they are not contraindicated.

Sometimes lemon trees are treated with pesticides, herbicides or other chemicals that are attached to the rind during fruit formation, so there is no guarantee that the use of zest for medicinal purposes will not have a negative effect. Chemicals cannot be completely washed off the peel, even with special solutions.

Folk methods of using frozen lemons
If the lemons are frozen and rubbed, they are a good addition to the folk medicine mixtures for constipation, heartburn and stomach problems. Of all the components of citrus in folk medicine, juice is especially widely used.

Water with lemon juice or zest
If slices of lemon are added to the hot drink, ascorbic acid will begin to decompose. It is better to add juice to cold or slightly warm water: this will save all the nutrients. For 1 tbsp. water you need 20 ml of juice or 1 tbsp. zest. Try to drink an entire glass of water early in the morning before breakfast.

Lemon solution helps with diseases of the cardiovascular system, as it stimulates the heart, cleans the blood vessels and normalizes the pressure. Also, these components have an anti-inflammatory effect, destroy microbes and viruses - it is useful to add juice to the simple water in case of angina.

Especially useful liquid for pregnant women, because ascorbic acid, vitamins and trace elements increase the immunity of women, normalize the heart and important glands, promote the formation of brain cells in the embryo.

Hot water with lemon
Lemon in high-temperature liquids is useful for gastrointestinal problems, hemorrhoids, atherosclerosis and bladder stones. For the preparation of the solution ½ part of the lemon juice or 1 tbsp. zest is added to 100 ml of water. This water is drunk up to 3 times a day before meals.

Juice with olive oil
The combination of lemon juice and olive oil helps to eliminate slag and liquid from the liver. To prepare the medicine you need 1 tbsp. juice and 1 tbsp. oil. Such a mixture should be drunk in the morning on an empty stomach. To completely clean the organ, the course of treatment should be 2 months, between which a break of 4 weeks.

The frozen lemons retain the same properties as fresh fruit. All their components: pulp, zest, juice - are used to treat diseases and prevent them, as well as a food additive.

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