List of 15 bitter herbs and their healing properties (important to know!) | Advantages of herbs

List of 15 bitter herbs and their healing properties (important to know!)

List of 15 bitter herbs and their healing properties

Have you ever wondered why a strong mixture of herbs has such a terrible taste? In fact, there is a scientific explanation for this. Each medicine contains certain medicinal properties known as alkaloids. Alkaloid is a natural compound, usually found in plants, which is characterized by bitter taste. The main function of an alkaloid is to kill harmful bacteria, and some studies claim that the alkaloid can also kill potentially dangerous cells.

In nature, there are many compounds that can cause bitterness, such as essential oils, flavonoids and even polyphenols. The list of bitter herbs and their healing properties, which is below, will tell you that herbs with such a terrible unpleasant taste should not be avoided, and even vice versa, because they have the most amazing properties that are beneficial to health.

1. Diaghilean is a medicinal - Dudnik diaghilevnyj (Angelica archangelica).
There are many factors that can provoke a loss of appetite. Regardless of the reason, the angelica archangelica is the right herb in this case. In addition, Uncle Medicines is also a home remedy for fever, sore throat and mild flu.

2. Chamomile - Matricaria chamomilla
Chamomile is one of the herbs usually used in the form of chamomile tea. If you have read an article about the usefulness of chamomile tea for the face skin, you are already partly familiar with the beneficial properties of chamomile tea. Compared to other bitter herbs, the bitterness of chamomile is considered soft, so it is safe to drink it in the form of herbal tea. The aromatic and sweet aroma of chamomile can help soothe nerves and reduce anxiety.

3. Dandelion - Taraxacum
Those with cholesterol problems need to know that dandelion is one of the herbs and products that reduce cholesterol levels. In addition, dandelion cleans the blood and reduces blood pressure. Dandelion has been on the list of traditional remedies for centuries.

4. Yellow root, or Canadian hydrastasis - Hydrastis canadensis
Yellowthorn is probably one of the bitterest herbs on the list. As for its beneficial properties, yellow-thorn is very effective in treating colds and flu, because it increases immunity and fights viral infections.

5. Maryin thistle or Rastoropsha spotted - Silybum marianum
Mariin Thistleblower is well known for its beautiful purple flowers, which have amazing medicinal properties, although some studies claim that seeds actually have the most effective properties compared to flowers. Maryin thistle is used as a modern and popular treatment for liver diseases, and not long ago it was also used for the treatment of diabetes.

6. Peppermint - Mentha piperita
Peppermint belongs to the same kind of plants as ordinary mint. Therefore, many people confuse it with ordinary peppermint, but peppermint has a more bitter taste than ordinary peppermint leaves. Peppermint is a folk remedy for abdominal pain.

7. Bitter wormwood - Artemisia absinthium
As for the use of wormwood tea, the list of its healing properties is long enough, ranging from antibacterial effect to anti-inflammatory action. However, wormwood is quite bitter grass. Therefore, it is recommended to take it under the supervision of a specialist.

8. Yarrow or Vibrant grass - Achillea millefolium
Yarrow is a grass that is usually brewed like tea, despite its bitter taste. This herbal tea is very popular among women because the yarrow contains active compounds that can help regulate the abnormal menstrual cycle. Some studies suggest that yarrow can reduce the symptoms of asthma and other respiratory diseases.

9. Ordinary pyjma - Tanacetum vulgare
One of the amazing useful properties of pyjamas is its antibacterial effect. That's why, despite its bitterness, pyjma is an effective home remedy for the treatment of food poisoning: it destroys all kinds of parasites ranging from bacteria and fungi to viruses entering the stomach through food. In addition, pyjma is also well known as a natural blood flow stimulant in order to reduce the risk of cardiovascular disease.

10. Golden Thousand ordinary - Centaurium erythraea
Don't be deceived by its beauty, the Golden Thousandth is also a flowering plant known for its bitterness. In the form of herbal tea, the goldenthousandth is effective for the treatment of stomach upset and other stomach problems, as this herb is a natural stimulant of digestion. In addition, the Golden Thousandth is also recommended for nervous disorders.

11. hops - Humulus lupulus
Hops are one of the plants added to beer. For centuries, however, hops have been used to treat many health problems, from insomnia and anxiety to depression. This is due to the calming effect of the plant, and the antioxidants in the hops make it suitable for cancer control.

11. Cicorium - Cichorium intybus
Tzikoriy is a bitter grass, well known for its antibacterial properties. Although chicory tastes bitter, traditionally it is used to increase milk production in nursing mothers. Moreover, some studies have proven the effectiveness of chicory in fighting high blood pressure, as well as its positive effects on the cardiovascular system.

12. Shandra - Marrubium vulgare
Among the expectorants, schnadra is one of the best. Don't be fooled by the bitter taste of shandra, this plant is very effective in fighting a small sore throat and acute respiratory infection. One of the main ingredients in modern cough medicines is shadra.

13. Ruta is fragrant - Ruta graveolens
Did you know that Ruta is one of the herbs mentioned in the Bible? You can check out Luke's Gospel, Chapter 11, verse This plant has amazing healing properties. In traditional and modern medicine, ruta tones the stomach. It can be used externally to reduce the pain of bruising.

14.Hinna or Qinghon - Chincona
Tsinghona is a flowering plant from the Marene family. As already mentioned, Qinghona is one of the plants that is a natural source of alkaloid. Alkaloids are found in the bark of this flowering plant and have been used for centuries in the treatment of malaria. Today, quinchon can be found in the composition of malaria medicines.

Do not be surprised by the bitterness of the herbs mentioned above, because behind the terrible taste lies the powerful healing properties that can cure many diseases: from stomach pain to malaria. So you may want to get a small garden of the bitter herbs listed above in order to enjoy their beneficial properties.

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