How to Cure Erectile Dysfunction:
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How to Cure Erectile Dysfunction |
Erectile dysfunction is a very common sexual disorder in men.
In India, at least 20 percent of people over 40 years of age are battling erectile dysfunction. And the worrying thing is that this count is increasing. Now the men of young age are also struggling with this problem.
So let us know about this disease in detail so that we can reduce this count by reducing it.
What is the meaning of Erectile Dysfunction - What happens to erectile dysfunction?
When a man fails to get enough erection or erectile dysfunction in his genitalia during sexual intercourse or is unable to keep it, then that condition is called erectile dysfunction or erectile dysfunction (erectile dysfunction meaning).
Dr Zaheer, senior urologist of Yousaf ali says, "It is not unusual for occasional sexual intercourse to get an erection in the genitals. But if this happens frequently (about 50 percent of the time), then this can be a sign of trouble. "
Some other symptoms related to erectile dysfunction
- Libido decrease
- Lower body hair
- Low shave
- Weight gain
Often erectile dysfunction (erectile dysfunction meaning in hindi) is a symptom of an underlying cause.
"Erectile dysfunction can sometimes be a sign of cardiovascular diseases. Therefore, it is very difficult to talk to others about this condition, but instead of suppressing this thing, you should seek help from a doctor. "
Erectile dysfunction meaning in English not only interrupts the sexual intercourse but also creates distances between a couple. In addition to this man's self-esteem is also severely damaged.
That is why it is important to know what causes men to be suffering from this disease.
Erectile dysfunction in English- Why would erectile dysfunction in men?
Aggravating the genitalia for intercourse depends on many things.
Dr. Zaheer says - "It is a complicated action in which the brain, hormones, blood flow in the genitals, nerves, muscles and the feelings of men - all play an ego role. If any of these problems arise, then this problem can arise. "
In order to understand how erectile dysfunction happens, we must first understand how erectile dysfunction occurs in the genitals.
"The genitals are made up of many swampy and soft muscles. During sexual intercourse, brain nerves release a chemical, which increases blood flow in the genitals. When this happens, the muscles stop that blood inside the genitals so that the erect becomes strong. After sexual intercourse, the nerves send signals to the genitals again, the blood comes out and the erection ends.
Erectile dysfunction can occur in any part involved in this action when there is trouble.
Psychological causes
There are many men who are more prone to erectile dysfunction when taking more stress.
Dr. Khanna says - "Often psychological problems - such as depression, an anxiety - men can not get an erection at the right time. This is a major cause of erectile dysfunction. Sometimes men tend to take more stress to give satisfaction to their partner, so that they are disturbed during intercourse and can not perform. "
Cardiovascular causes
The most common reason for this is arteriosclerosis in which the arteries present in the genitals are strained due to the reasons. Due to being rigid, they get blocked due to which the correct amount of blood can not reach the genitals. Because of this, erectile dysfunction can not come in the genitals.
Risk Factors That Increases the Chances of Having Arteriosclerosis -
- Too much weight (obesity)
- Diabetes
- Excess cholesterol in the body
- High blood pressure
- To smoke
- Heart disease
- Reasons for neurological causes
Sometimes due to some reasons, trauma is associated with the nerves associated with the genitalia, which then causes erectile dysfunction.
"Having prostate cancer surgery or having any type of surgery in the pelvis can lead to genital warts. Erectile dysfunction can occur even when there is trauma on the spinal cord. "
Erectile dysfunction - and diabetes
Dr. Zaheer and Endocrinologist says - "Sugar is commonly cause of erectile dysfunction. Man suffering from Sugar are more likely to have this disease at an early age. "
Even about 75 percent of diabetic men can face this disease in their life.
The thing to think about is that diabetes is associated with erectile dysfunction?
Dr. Zaheer Explains - "Sugar is a Illness that defects the body's nerves, eyes and kidneys, especially when the sugar has not been controlled for a long time. In three ways, this disease can affect the sexual intercourse. "
If a person's blood sugar has been rampant for a long time, then it causes serious damage to the autistic nerves (autonomic neuropathy). Due to damage to the nerves, they can not properly send signals to genital muscles, which can not cause the erection. In addition to erectile dysfunction in this condition, men may also experience these symptoms - extraordinary sweating (especially during the time of accounting), walking head while walking suddenly, palpitations and sudden - sudden constipation or Scouring.
Arteriosclerosis also increases with diabetes. "When there is diabetes, the chances of stiffness of the genitals increases."
In addition to diabetes, if there is obesity, there is an imbalance in the hormones often. "Due to obesity, the amount of testosterone present in men may be reduced, due to which erectile dysfunction can occur."
Now that we have known the possible causes of erectile dysfunction, let's look at its treatment.
Erectile dysfunction in English - how to treat it?
The first step in treating illness like erectile dysfunction meaning in hindi is to bring back the ability of a male to intercourse and fix the cause of it.
Dr. Zaheer says - "If the cause of erectile dysfunction is linked to stress, depression or angeory, then in that situation, we recommend taking the help of the psychiatrist. As far as sexual intercourse, medicines and injections can be used to stimulate genitalia. "
There are some such medicines - viagra, cialis, adcirca etc.
"But keep in mind that these medicines should be taken only in the care of the doctor. Taking these medicines on your own can be fatal, especially when the patient has coronary artery disease. "
While making intercourse, instruments can also be used to get some erection. From these devices, men can find adequate alternatives in their genitalia and keep it under control.
One of these instruments is the penis pump - it is a hollow tube that runs through the battery. By keeping the tube above the genitals, the air is blown out with the help of Pump, making a vacuum. This vacuum is pulled from the blood inside the genitals so that it gets erected. In the end, using that kind of ring, that erection is preserved.
Where does Dr. Khanna say, "If medicines do not fix erectile dysfunction, surgery can also be a remedy. Penile prosthesis or pineal implantation is an action which can cure this disease. In this verb, the device is installed inside the genitals, which helps in getting it done.
Treatment of erectile dysfunction (in hindi) in diabetes
Because diabetic men are more likely to get this disease, taking care of some things from the beginning can prevent erectile dysfunction.
"It is important that men with high sugar levels take control of their blood sugar from the beginning. Because the early stages of diabetes are illuminated, people often ignore their sugar levels. It leads to erectile dysfunction, "says Dr Sylvia.
To avoid erectile dysfunction, diabetic men should make the following changes in their lifestyle:
- Smoking cessation
- Limited consumption of alcohol in quantity
- Take care of your weight when you have diabetes with obesity. Try to reduce the weight by exercising daily if you are overweight so that you can get a healthy BMI.
- Do not ignore the initial symptoms such as extra ordinary sweating
- "If the amount of testosterone is low, adoption of testosterone replacement therapy in the direction of a doctor can be a problem."
In the end, whatever the reason, in the meantime, a man needs his family and friends most. Receiving emotional support, they get the courage to fight with this problem.
"This disease can bring embarrassment to a man, so it is important that you talk to your loved ones in such a time and do not hesitate in mind," says Dr. Khanna.
"There is no cure for every problem. That is why instead of worrying, it is important that we follow the right medical tips to solve the problem. "
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