How to Remove a Wrist on the Neck | Effective Methods

How to Remove a Wrist on the Neck: Effective Methods:

How to Remove a Wrist on the Neck | Effective Methods

You can take care of the skin in this area with the help of masks and various creams, hide the changes in epidermis. However, the wrong age of the neck will be detected quickly with care. If we talk about the pattern, then the wrinkle appears in about 35-45 years, but in some categories long ago. Before restoring skin elasticity, it is necessary to be familiar with the many factors.

Neck wrinkles

Sleep on a tall pillow, as well as lack of insomnia and chronic sleep;
Poor production of collagen and elastin fiber;
  1. Long-term contact for ultraviolet radiation;
  2. An unbalanced diet that causes vitamin deficiency;
  3. The use of poor quality cosmetics;
  4. Misuse of pure coffee, sweets, pickles;
  5. Continuous use of strict weight loss methods;
  6. Continuous presence in neural state;
  7. Obesity, especially overweight;
  8. Work for PC with your head;
  9. As a result of personal bias aging before the skin;
  10. Smoking, drinking;
  11. Weak neck muscles;
  12. Skin treatment often with scrub or peeling;
  13. Dehydration of body and skin;
  14. Ecology;
  15. Lack of care for the neck

Practical Tips for Neck Wrinkle Removal

Use professional care products for neck and decollete. You can apply moisturizing and nutritious cream for face design. Choose cosmetics that do not contain alcohol and perbans. Cholesterol, Collagen, Protein, Vitamin A, B, E, Tretinoin.
  1. Drink at least 2.8 liters of fluid per day, of which 2 liters is water. Do not abuse carbonated beverages and packaged juice if possible. Herbal tea, jelly, lean on fresh. Instead of coffee in the morning, drink chocolate with a vegetable sweetener.
  2. Track your diet, diet should be fresh vegetables and fruits. Every day to eat, eat lean fish or white meat.
  3. Get the course of vitamins, drink it every quarter. Focus on badger fat, this increases the natural elasticity of the skin, has a beneficial effect on hair, nails and respiratory tract (important for smokers).
  4. If you work on a computer for a long time and do a lot, make sure it is at the stomach or chest level. Do not watch TV with your head. This condition stimulates the presence of a second chin, and as a result, the wrinkle
  5. Inspect the work regime and comfort. Choose a medium hardness pillow with a slight increase for sleep (not more than 12 cm in the initial position). Avoid insomnia. It can contribute to persistent stress and long-term depression, in this case, seek ways to deal with negative factors.
  6. Every day, massage your neck with cold or opposite water. Turn on the bath on full power and run the neck. At this time, tighten the muscles firmly and relax, process the process for 10 minutes. After that, apply a nutritious cream on the neck and decolate area with patting movements.
  7. Alcohol and tobacco contribute to aging before time, slows production of collagen and elastin, gives a gray tint to epidermis. Stop smoking or reduce the number of cigarettes. Instead of strong alcoholic drinks and beers, give priority to semi-dry alcohol.
  8. Look for weight. Do not abuse harsh food, which helps to lose some extra pounds in a moment, and the next moment is returned immediately. Lauses go to a proper diet, which is divided into food (eat small portions 5 times a day). If you decide to go to the diet, sign up at the gym immediately, so that the muscles are always in good shape and the skin is not bad.
  9. Keep your head straight while you walk, do not look at your feet. This applies to home work, neck should always be in good shape. Sit well, do not rotate.

How to get rid of wrinkles on the neck of public methods

For the injection of Botox or Disposal, not to go to the salon, which will be mandatory later, use the "grandmother" recipes. With the observance of technology, results will make you happy.

Contrasting Potts
You will need 85 grams for the process. Crushed sea salt, 35 ml. Lemon juice and a small terry towel. First pour warm water in the water and dilute the salt in it, fill the other with cold water and lemon juice. Blur a towel in hot water and squeeze it well, for 5 minutes, slam with heavy movements on the neck. When the skin turns red, go to the cold cycle. Put a towel in lemon water and pat the neck again for 5 minutes.

Repeat every morning 5-10 times in the morning and evening. The course of procedures is 1.5-2 months. After this, cover the neck with moisturizing hydrogel, apply it, fast patching until completely absorbed.

Cosmetic snow
Many times a day, erase the face, neck and decollete with cosmetic ice made of medicinal plants. Always try to use a different structure to get maximum results in less time.

Here are the possible combinations that you can easily find in any pharmacy:

  • 25 gram chamomile, 15 grams of lemon, 45 grams of sage;
  • 10 gram chariyagarihar, 30 grams yarro, 20 grams henna;
  • 40 grams thyme, 50 grams oak bark, 15 ml. Birch sap
  • 55 gr birch bark, 15 grams Linden flower;
  • 35 grams cuminium, 10 grams Mint, 20 gms of burden root;
  • 60 ml aloe vera juice, 30 grams Peel the dried lemon.

To make ice, you have to choose the combination, fill it with 300 milliliters. Boiling water and put it in a dark cupboard for 1.5 hours. After the expiry date, you can get stressed, and you can use the broth with frozen plants. Put the compositions in forms and put them in the freezer.

Homemade anti-wrinkle mask
Before applying a skin mask, take care of the appearance of the bandage or mist. After applying the structure, the fabric should be wrapped around the neck so that it does not come down and retains its beneficial properties.

  • Turmeric and bananas Pass the banana through the meat grinder or cut it with a blender / fork. Add 35 grams. Turmeric powder and 15 ml. Allow the burden oil structure for half an hour. In a separate bowl, pour 25 grams. Gelatin 55 ml cold water, wait for inflammation and combine with other components. Make a mask, fixing the top with a bandage. Hold the mixture for about an hour, take a blank position.
  • Soil and milk To prepare the structure, you will need to take 30 grams. Black and white soil, 25 gms. Green soil and 15 grams. Connect them with blue clay, gradually start pouring 100 ml. Combination with milk, a fork or knife (not a spoon!). Pour 45 ml in another container. Hot water and 35 ml. Olive oil, add 50 grams. Dry yeast and wait half an hour. Connect all the ingredients, make a mask, wrap the neck with a bandage, wait at least 1.5 hours.
  • Cottage cheese and glycerin Take 150 grams of liquid glycerin pharmacy purchase in 3 ampoules, 2 ampoules of Vitamin E and 1 ampoule of vitamin A. Fatty cottage cheese, add 50 grams in it. Honey and blend in a blender. Pour into glycerin and vitamins, then mix. Apply uniformly on the neck, fix it with haze, wait for 1 hour.
  • Potatoes and cucumber Wash 2 potatoes and 1 cucumber, do not peel them. Cut into thin slices, place in a meat grinder and cut into oatmeal. Add 20 grams. Gelatin, leave the mixture for 25 minutes. In a separate container, put 30 grams. Add flakes bran and boiling water to them so that the water can cover the structure, wait for one quarter a quarter. Now mix all the ingredients in a uniform mass, make a mask, wrap a bandage and leave for 1 hour.
  • To get rid of neck wrinkles, avoid actions that suggest continuous inclination of the head. While caring for your face, do not forget to put on neck and decolate, choose high-quality hydrogels without impurities and impurities. Do not allow skin dehydration, eat vegetables and fruits, green tea, water and drink fresh juice.

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