The Benefits of Nigella seeds

The Benefits of Nigella seeds.

Nigella, also known as nigger sowing, nigger, kalonji, black cumin, Roman coriander, has long been used as a spice in the Middle East, Asia, and Africa.

The nigella seeds have a spicy pepper flavor and a pleasant strawberry aroma. The advantage of nigella seeds is that they do not irritate the mucous membrane of the stomach and intestines at the same spice as black pepper.

The seeds of nigella contain a lot of fat and essential oils, and in the leaves - ascorbic acid, carotene.

The essential oil obtained from nigella seeds is suitable for food, has a pleasant smell of berries, it is also widely used in soap-making and perfumery.

Nigella seeds, like lavender, can be successfully used in the fight against moths. It is enough to stitch the nigella seeds into small bags and place them on the shelves in the cupboard. The aromatic ethereal oil-smelling smell of nigella seeds will scare away the moths.

Nigella leaves can be eaten and added to various salads during the whole growing season. Together with basil, chervil, parsley, coriander, dill, nigella leaves will strengthen the immunity, have a tonic and general strengthening effect.

Nigella has long been used in folk medicine in India, as well as in Asia and the Middle East. Seeds of nigella were used in the form of tea as a laxative, diuretic, choleretic, wormhole remedy, in various gastrointestinal disorders, and in meteorism. The lipase enzyme and vitamin E contained in nigella seeds have a beneficial effect on the liver and pancreas.

Tea from nigella seeds with a pleasant taste and aroma has a positive effect on the entire body: accelerates metabolism, there is a natural purification and removal of harmful elements from the body. It is not surprising that tea from nigella seeds is gaining popularity as a means of weight loss.

It has also been established that the vitamin E contained in nigella seeds slows down the aging process, contributes to a better perception of information and strengthens memory.

Nigella seeds have a choleretic effect, so they can be used in biliary dyskinesia. Receiving decoction from nigella seeds can alleviate even rheumatic pain and radiculitis.

An essential oil from nigella seeds is used to treat colds.

Broths, infusions, infusions from nigella seeds will be a good addition to the basic drug treatment of various diseases of the respiratory system, cardiovascular system, gastrointestinal tract, kidneys.

Tincture of nigella seeds has a stimulating effect and can be used in the recovery period after the disease to increase immunity and improve the overall state of the body

To prepare a nigella tincture, one part of the seeds and five parts of 40o vodka or diluted alcohol are taken. It is infused for a week in a dark place, after which the tincture can be filtered and put in the fridge. Tincture of nigella seeds to take 10-15 drops for bronchitis and other respiratory diseases.

Therapeutic tea from nigella: pour a glass of boiling water 0.5-1 g of seeds, to insist 15 minutes. Drink a glass a day in a few steps. It is recommended as a tonic, diuretic, laxative, choleretic and even glystonnoe remedy.

If you use nigella tea as a glystonnogo means, then you need to drink it very much, at least two liters in combination with spicy food, such as onions or herring. In this case, nigella tea can be alternated with garden strawberry berries.

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