Benefits Of shilajit | Benefits Of Salajeet

Benefits Of shilajit | Benefits Of Salajeet.

Nuptial life
Because of the ups and downs of life, changes in lifestyle, and lifestyle changes, there is hardly any such person whose family life is very smooth. The burden of office work and the responsibilities of the household is exhausted more physically than the body, due to which the person has to face tough challenges in marriage.

Miracle cures
If you are not able to do time span with your partner due to office work and other problems, due to which your married life is getting very tired, then we are going to introduce you to a miracle drug that is consumed. You can solve this problem in jokes.

Different types of fine herbs are found on the land of India, of whom Shilajit is also one. In Ayurveda, besides the excellence of Shilajit, many of his qualities have also been honored. Tell you that Maharshi Charak himself had said that there is no such disease on earth that can not be treated with Shilajit.

Origin of Shilajit
According to Ayurveda, the origin of Shilajit is made from stone (stone). In the summer, the type of secretion caused by melting the metal parts of the mountain rocks from the heat of the sun's rays, is called as Shilajatu or Shilajit.

Benefits of Shilajit
Shilajit is very bitter, stiff, hot and semen nourish in taste. It is very dark and thick like a tarrel in view, which takes a very bright look after drying.

Benefits of shilajit
Use of Shilajit can be considered to be good for diabetes, nightmare, sexual debilitation, physical impairment. Apart from this, Shilajit is proved to be an assistant to get rid of the physical deficiencies in old age and other diseases.

Physical deformity
If you think that you can use Shilajit only after the illness then you think wrong. If a healthy person consumes Shilajit, then his body becomes fertile and he remains away from fatigue or other physical impairment.

Prescribed amount
Experts say that the quantity that should be prescribed for the consumption of Shilajit should be between two to twelve. Apart from this, knowing the age of the person and its digestive potential should be allowed to take it for Shilajit.

Shilajit consumed
It is better if Shilajit is consumed before sunrise. Eat shilajit before morning sunrise with milk and honey and eat something after 3-4 hours.
Mentally strong
For getting mental strength, consuming Shilajit with one teaspoon butter per day will provide benefits. This will give you freedom from brain tiredness.

Quick collapse problem
Shilajit can prove to be a boon for those who face the problem of rapid collapse. Twenty grams of Shilajit and 20 grams of Bang Bhasam make 10 grams of iron and six grams of ashram broth and made two tablets of two tablets. Take a pill with milk and milk in the morning, it will give you unexpected benefits.

Taboo substance
It is very important to take care of some things along with the consumption of Shilajit. People who have bile outbreaks in their body should avoid the use of shilajit. As long as you are consuming Shilajit, the intake of chilli-spices, sour, non-veg and alcohol etc. should be avoided.

Taboo substance
It is very important to take care of some things along with the consumption of Shilajit. People who have bile outbreaks in their body should avoid the use of shilajit. As long as you are consuming Shilajit, the intake of chilli-spices, sour, non-veg and alcohol etc. should be avoided.

physical effort
In addition to staying awake at night and sleeping in the daytime, along with excessive amount of physical labor etc. should also be avoided.

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