What Kind of drinks are the best to quench your thirst in the heart

What kind of drinks are the best to quench your thirst in the heat:

The long-awaited Orenburg summer is seldom cold, but the heat wave that has arrived in the Orenburg region in recent weeks and is not going to give up its positions, is already causing many citizens ill health and discomfort. How can one escape from thirst?

In hot weather, our body loses a lot of moisture, which must be replenished. However, not all the usual "thirst killers" are equally effective and useful. Let's try to understand what drinks will help the body to cope with the heat, and what, on the contrary, will harm the health.

Cold or warm?
When we are thirsty, the soul asks for something "cold". When we drink iced water, we feel relieved. But it is temporary, because cold water does not quench thirst, but only cools. It is not absorbed in the stomach and intestines until the body "warms up" it. But a warm drink (for example, tea) is absorbed almost instantly. To drink cold water, you need to drink about a liter, and a cup of tea is enough, both hot and warm. Not without reason in the East they prefer to drink it in the heat. This is a leader in restoring water reserves.

 On a hot summer day, many people prefer to buy ordinary bottled water. It would seem that what can be easier and more effective?! All the more so because the water is clean and free of impurities. Only here and benefit from it is no good. In order for the water to stay in the body for a long time, defeating thirst, it must include dissolved nutrients: salts, minerals, organic acids, which can not boast a "sterile" drink. After drying a bottle of water, you will soon want to drink again.

But the real charge of vigour and strength gives a very useful melt water, which can be made at home. It is enough to take any filtered but not boiled water and freeze it in the freezer. Then the ice is melted to 2/3 of a container. The rest is thrown away - it contains all harmful substances. But the melted 2/3 - it is a useful, almost lively water. A good means of quenching thirst is a natural table mineral water. But be careful! Table water has a degree of mineralization of no more than 1 g/l, therapeutic dining room - 4-5 g/l, but more than 10 g/l - it is a medicine that should be used only for the purpose of the doctor.

"Is it soda or juice?
In summer, sweet carbonated beverages are quickly sold out, which can be found in abundance on shelves and in refrigerators in any store. Only not everyone knows that in all sweet sodas the main component instead of fruit syrups are dyes and preservatives. These drinks leave a luscious aftertaste behind, and we drink it over and over again, getting with each sip a new portion of harmful flavors and additives. And the thirst never goes away. Besides, they contain a lot of carbohydrates. Dieticians categorically forbid to give such drinks to children. In general, if you really want to "lemonade", it is better to dilute the juice with mineral water.

A separate question arises and the usefulness of juices and nectars, produced industrially. According to the technology of pasteurized juices of industrial production are pre-processed, by evaporation or freezing dry concentrate is obtained, which is then restored at the plants - diluted with specially prepared water and added sugar. Some producers enrich juices with vitamins and minerals. The juices obtained by freezing are much better than the concentrates produced by thermal drying. Cheap juices may include preservatives, flavourings, flavour enhancers, aspartame, which doctors call a food drug. That is, in fact, they are no better than sweet carbonated beverages.

No preservatives are used in good quality juices (only ascorbic acid can be added to stabilize the juice color). They are undoubtedly useful. Nevertheless, the amount of nutrients and vitamins in industrial juices and nectars inevitably decreases. The same applies to other "packaged" drinks, such as morses. The most useful juice is freshly squeezed. Bought in the store is advised to dilute with water to make it better quench thirst.

Kvas - all head
One of the most popular summer drinks is very good - kvass. It is not only qualitative, but also tasty, useful, natural, has bactericidal properties. It also contains lactic acid bacteria that normalize the intestinal microflora. Another thing is that all of the above applies only to natural yeast kvass. If the beverage contains food dyes, sweeteners, preservatives and flavor enhancers, you are facing lemonade, not kvass. If you don't want to make a mistake, look for the inscription on the label "kvass natural fermentation" or "kvass live fermentation".

In the heat perfectly help to drink sour milk drinks: yogurt, yogurt, kefir, ryazhenka, tan, ayran, etc. In addition, they restore the normal composition of the intestinal microflora, quickly assimilated, so that to wait until the saturation of the body with liquid will not have to. For a hot day is best suited to the composition and consistency of tan or ayran - they have a slightly salty taste and not only long quench thirst, but also are able to relieve intoxication and headaches.

The only drawback of this group of drinks is that they are produced mainly from reconstituted (dried) milk, which means that they are not so useful. It is also important to ensure that the product is fresh - fermented milk products spoil quickly in summer.

For your information
Under normal conditions, the body evaporates up to 2.5 litres of liquid per day, in heat or during exercise - up to 4 litres. We lose moisture through sweat and breath. If the amount of liquid decreases, the body begins to draw moisture from the saliva. The mucous membrane of the mouth becomes dry. That's why we are so thirsty. Dehydration of the body immediately makes itself felt not only thirsty, but also dizzy, decreased concentration and mental activity, there is a risk of fainting and heart attacks.

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