Almonds: health benefits and harms

Almonds: Health Benefits and Harms:

Almonds: Health Benefits and Harms:

Almonds: Health Benefits and Harms:

We say the word "almonds". And what is the first thing that comes to mind? Of course, we remember the bitter, but at the same time interesting flavor. The almonds, the use of which has been proved, someone likes, but someone does not. How many such different nuts for any color and taste are now sold in every supermarket and market! But everything is not as simple as it seems at first glance.

Almonds: health benefits
Many people think that almonds, the health benefits of which can surprise (as we will discuss below), are nuts. But it is not quite so. Or not at all. Almonds are a bone. Yes, yes, it is a bush or almond tree, a plant close to the plum, however strange it may seem.

Almonds can be very useful to your body. People knew about it in ancient times and gladly used useful properties of a nut bone.

What is the use of almonds? Its main advantage is the presence of vitamin E. It protects cells from aging and cleans the body.

Simply put, cosmetologists use the properties of almonds to keep the hair silky and the skin healthy and supple for as long as possible.

Also, regular use of almonds:

  • It helps to remove sand from the kidneys;
  • Normalizes the work of such an important organ as the liver;
  • Helps to eliminate bile;
  • cleans the blood.

Persistent researchers from biology and medicine, as well as centuries of experience of ancestors have helped to determine that almonds are natural analgesics and help against seizures.

But that's not all. The "magic" nut bone:

  • improves brain function;
  • is an effective means against insomnia;
  • eases the condition of pneumonia and bronchial asthma.

In turn, the so-called almond milk (a mixture of shredded almonds and water) quenches heartburn and is quite effective in preventing diseases of the gastrointestinal tract.

Men almonds will help not only to fight against hangovers, but also will have a beneficial effect on the potency. Smokers are advised to take almonds to reduce acidity in the stomach (this is especially helpful for gastritis and ulcers).

In connection with all of the above there is a natural question, and how much almonds should be eaten per day to feel the desired effect?

Standard advice looks like this. For children (from three years) - 2 or 3 peanuts per day. Adults can afford 8-10 almond nuts (30-50 grams). However, there is an opinion that using only 2 almond nuts a day even in adulthood will make you feel much better.

Almonds: Harm, contraindications
But, as always in life, every medal has its downside. As for each type of fruit and vegetables, nuts, overeating, overdose lead to negative consequences, not treated, and harm.

In the case of almonds, beware first:

  • Hypersensitivity (even for those who have never suffered from allergies);
  • allergic reaction (poisoning).
  • Almonds are also a high-calorie product, which means that there is a risk of weight gain. Do not take almonds to people with problems in the nervous system and heart rate.

As we can see, this nut (bone, whatever it is called) - one of the generous gifts of nature to people who do not take advantage of sin to improve their health and increase prevention of various kinds of insidious diseases.

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