Black pepper: pros and cons, planting and care

Black pepper: pros and cons, planting and care:

Black pepper: pros and cons, planting and care:

Black peas are the fruit of a plant growing in India. It is gathered in an immature form, and already during drying it acquires its black color under the influence of sunlight. A quality product of sufficient weight, has excellent durability and dark coloring. It is stored long enough period.

Useful or harmful? Useful properties of this seemingly modest, at first glance, the product is a great deal:
  1. Has the effect of anesthesia.
  2.  Prevents seizures. 
  3. Helps to improve digestion. 
  4. Has anti-inflammatory and anti-allergic properties.
  5.  Improves brain processes. 
  6. Beneficial effect on the cardiovascular system. 
  7. Excellent prophylactic remedy for cancer.
  8.  Helps to increase tone and restore strength. 
  9. Useful for people suffering from anemia. 
Beneficial effect on metabolism, bringing this process to the necessary standard. Perfectly restores the process of blood supply to the body.

These are the main advantages of such a product as black peas. In order to describe all the benefits of using this spice, you will need a full separate article. Currently, much is already known about the beneficial properties of this plant, but as scientists assure - this is not all, and there are still many discoveries ahead. Seeds of the plant are rich in manganese and iron, which help the body in the fight against infectious diseases and form bone tissue. They also contain high levels of calcium and potassium, which are important minerals for nails and hair. Another remarkable feature of this spice is the ability to burn fat. It is very useful for people who are overweight.

A massage using a mixture of this spice and vodka is recommended for people with rheumatism. This procedure not only relieves pain, but also helps to restore ligaments and cartilage, and significantly improves blood circulation. Harm as such, black pepper can not cause the body, but there are contraindications for people with the following diseases, it is associated with the flammability of the product:
  1. Gastritis and ulcer exacerbation. 
  2. Bladder problems. 
  3. High blood pressure and hypertension. 
  4. Period of exacerbation of mental disorders.
  5.  Problems and kidney disease.
Also, spices are not recommended in the period after surgery, as they can cause sneezing, and this can lead to the violation of sutures.

As mentioned earlier, this plant grows in India. In Latin American countries it is grown on large plantations. Growing this liana at home will not be a big deal, but it will only require a responsible approach:
  1. The largest peas of black pepper are excellent planting material, and they need to be soaked in water for 24 hours beforehand. 
  2. The temperature must be between 24 and 30°C above zero.
  3.  The best time to land is from 25 May to 10 June. 
  4. Start fertilizing the plant after the second leaf appears.
The contents of a normal spicy pea package are suitable for planting, as the only seed treatment is natural drying. As you can see, this plant does not require any special exquisite planting, but do not forget about the proper care of the plant itself.

Care for black pepper
Fulfilling only a few requirements, you can get a healthy plant that will delight your harvest right on the window of the apartment:
  1. Window on the west or east side. 
  2. The plant loves sunlight but cannot stand direct rays. 
  3. During the active growth period, a temperature of 20-25°C will be sufficient. 
  4. During the rest period it is necessary to observe a different temperature regime: 
  5. 18-20°C. In summer, you need to water the tray abundantly, and it is also recommended to pour water into the tray.
  6.  It is advisable to spray 2 times a day, in winter you can reduce the norm to 1 time. 
  7. The plant loves mineral fertilizers. 
  8. Feeding should be done all year round. Transplanting is done once in 2 years. 

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