The Pros and Cons of Cashew Nuts:
Where did the name come from? When the Indians determined that the nut was edible, they called it cashew, which means "yellow fruit". Although in other countries it is called a little differently, it is widely known as cashew nut.
Cashew, the benefits and harms of which depend on the way and amount of consumption, is easy and simple to cultivate, as it is done in Brazil. This is its natural habitat. They also grow nuts in India, Iran, Africa, Vietnam and Azerbaijan.
Cashew nuts, the use and harm of which are of interest to lovers of this delicacy, have a rather unusual shape - a crescent moon. It is interesting to note that this is a unique nut that grows only outside the fetus, not inside it. And it has a much bigger stem than the nut itself. This unusual formation of botany is called "pseudo-fruit".
The stem is pear-shaped and has a red or yellow color. It is called cashew apple and is also widely used as food. But this stem spoils very quickly as soon as the fruit is ripped off. Therefore, there is no possibility of its further transportation to other countries in fresh form. It is used to make jellies, jams, compotes, juices and alcoholic beverages. But cashew nuts are very easy to transport, and therefore in every country you can easily find it on sale.
Positive properties
Useful properties of cashew noticed a long time ago. These nuts are rich in various vitamins, iron, zinc, calcium and phosphorus.Thanks to these substances:
- Protein metabolism in the body is faster,
- the cholesterol levels are dropping,
- the immune system increases,
- the cardiovascular system is normalized,
- the threat of cancer is reduced.
They are recommended for anemia, dystrophy, psoriasis and even toothache. Also noticed their effect as an aphrodisiac.
The caloric value of this nut is about 600 kcal, the fat content is less than in other types of nuts. But this does not prevent the production of cashew oil, which tastes very much like peanut butter.
If you use cashew nuts daily, the beneficial properties of these unique fruits will provide you with energy and health. Only eat them within the reasonable limits and, as in everything, not to abuse. Daily rate is about 10 pieces.
What are the useful cashew nuts:
Dentists testify to the usefulness of cashew for enamel teeth. The substances in the nuts prevent bacteria from multiplying in the mouth and on the surface of the teeth. And in Africa, healers use cashew ointment to reduce toothache and treat gums.Vitamin E has a positive effect on the reproductive system of both men and women. It is considered an aphrodisiac.
The use of these nuts reduces the manifestations of skin diseases and is a preventive measure, normalizes metabolism in the body. Decoctions from nutshells are used for dermatitis of different origin and help to get rid of warts.
With constant use in the blood normalizes cholesterol levels, there is a general strengthening of immunity. The body becomes more resistant to all kinds of infections.
In diabetes mellitus and gastric disorders, cashew is recommended.
In case of anemia, underweight and exhaustion, the use of peanuts will be useful.
Many cosmetic products include cashew oil, as it is a tonic and healing, antiseptic and antibacterial agent. Perfectly influences the skin and hair, copes with sunburns.
Protein, which is present in cashew nuts, helps in the formation of the bone skeleton and in solving problems with the spine.
Why do they sell these nuts without shells?
An interesting feature of cashew is the fact that there is a special substance between its shell and the shell of the nut - cardol - which can even cause skin burns. And since nuts are cleaned by hand, workers, even experienced ones, suffer from this caustic substance. That's why we never see cashews in the shell - it must be removed before implementation. In order to get rid of residual poisonous oils on nuts, they are given heat treatment.If you're lucky and you're in a place where you can find cashews in your shells or rip them right off a tree, don't try to clean them yourself and eat them immediately. This can lead to serious health problems.
But even this poisonous substance people have not bypassed and found its use in the manufacture of auto parts and various medical products, varnish, paint and rubber. And in tropical countries, it is used for the treatment of folk healers and they are poisoned by termites.
How to choose a tasty cashew
The use of cashew nuts makes them popular all over the world. But in the pursuit of high sales, suppliers may lose the quality of the product or it may spoil during the sale or transportation process. Therefore, when buying cashews, pay attention to the smell and appearance of the product: the walnut should smell nice and do not contain mold or other foreign substances on the surface.
Choose whole nut grains, not already shredded - in this form they are stored much longer and do not lose their useful properties.
Cashew storage
The nuts are very well kept in the freezer, and in the fridge they can stay fresh for up to several months.
A cool place in a sealed package - up to one month. Do not keep them warm - the taste will spoil and the nut will simply disappear.
What can the nut do to hurt?
There are no harmful effects of cashew consumption. Of course, if you don't forget the extent of their consumption. They are even less allergic than other nuts. Only personal intolerance to cashew or allergies to nuts can prevent them from being consumed.
If you are allergic to nuts, remember that cashews are added not only to food, but also to cosmetics and medical products, and you should carefully study the composition of the product that you would like to use.
A cool place in a sealed package - up to one month. Do not keep them warm - the taste will spoil and the nut will simply disappear.
How can a nut hurt?
There are no harmful effects of cashew consumption. Of course, if you don't forget the extent of their consumption. They are even less allergic than other nuts. Only personal intolerance to cashew or allergies to nuts can prevent them from being consumed.
If you are allergic to nuts, remember that cashews are added not only to food, but also to cosmetics and medical products, and you should carefully study the composition of the product that you would like to use.
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