The Use of Milk: Pros and Cons of Shop Milk

The Use of Milk: Pros and Cons of Shop Milk.

The Use of Milk: Pros and Cons of Shop Milk

"Drink up, kids, milk, you'll be fine!" It is with this motto that many and many generations of children were brought up and raised. 

But times are changing, and there are less and less opportunities to drink real homemade milk "only from under the cow". It is replaced by shop milk, industrial milk. And it is not always possible to say that it will be useful for your body. 

If right now you take and go to any shop, in the dairy department, then at best the percentage of ten packs will be indicated what kind of milk is poured into the container manufacturer. And it is not a fact that the packaging will be written the truth. 

The most plausible will be the inscription:
 "Made of milk powder" or "With the addition of milk powder.

In other cases, it is not clear what is in the package at all. The most surprising thing is that there are a lot of other inscriptions on the packages without specifying the composition, such as "fresh", "high quality", "unique", "natural" and the best in general.

In general, the main goal of manufacturers of such products is to sell their products. They do not care what will happen to people (with children in particular) who will drink this milk. 

Let's consider the "usefulness" of different types of milk. 
The most useful milk is unambiguously and UN competitively natural, homemade milk. It does not undergo any industrial processing, it has its own fat content, inherent in the cow that gave it. 

A glass of such milk will give a person about 13% of the daily norm of protein, phosphorus -18%, vitamin B2 - 12%, vitamin B12 - 15%, potassium - 10%, and, of course, a quarter of the daily norm of calcium. By the way, it is precisely because of the high content of calcium that dietitians advise to use milk daily. Also, such milk will contain a fairly high proportion of magnesium, zinc 35 mg of fatty acids, which are necessary for the human body. 

The next type of milk will be "whole" milk. As you know, natural milk has quite large fatty balls, they give the paired milk such a specific taste. So, the quantity and, if I may say so, the quality of these balls from cow to cow is different. They are the basis for determining the fat content of milk. 

Producers need to ensure that the milk taken from different cows has a certain level of fat content. For this purpose, and also that dairy production was suitable for mass consumption, the procedure of homogenization is produced. That is, they mix milk to a homogeneous, or rather homogeneous, fatty mass. That is, as if passing the fatty balls through the special millstones, grinding them to a homogeneous state.

Milk that has undergone such treatment will be called whole milk, because although milk and fat are brought to a homogeneous mass, but still represent a single whole. Such a product will have a natural percentage of liquid and its qualities will not be so much inferior to natural milk. 

Its taste will be slightly different, it will also lose the opportunity to create on its surface creamy film, but still it is this kind of milk is the most useful store milk. 

Below in the pyramid of utility there is milk normalized. That is the name of milk, which has undergone the following technological procedure - separation, that is, the division of the original milk product into adipose mixture and liquid. 

This procedure is made in order to control the level of fat content of the final product: added more fat and less liquid - received milk of high (but fixed) fat content, topped up the very fraction of fat - received diet milk. This is the way to achieve a fixed fat content of 1%, 2.8%, 3.2% and so on.

The heat treatment of the dairy product should be specified separately. There are several types of heat treatment that differ in the presence of useful and harmful bacteria in the final product. After the treatment we obtain the following types of milk: sterilized, pasteurized, ultra-pasteurized and melted. Sterilized milk is the safest, but it contains virtually no bacteria, neither useful nor harmful. 

Pasteurized - the most popular type of milk nowadays, it is processed only for a few minutes at a temperature of up to 100 degrees Celsius and contains virtually no harmful bacteria, with almost complete preservation of bacteria useful. 

The Disadvantage of Pasteurized Milk.

The main disadvantage of pasteurized milk is its short shelf life. Ultra-pasteurized is something between pasteurized and sterile milk. And I think everyone knows what melted milk is. Those who like to drink milk, do not refuse it, but it is better to use the most natural and pasteurized milk at the lowest possible temperature. 

Also, you should never force a person who does not want to drink milk. If there is no desire - then the body does not need milk.

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