Benefits of the kaolin clay mask for whitening skin and beauty

Benefits of the kaolin clay mask for whitening skin and beauty

Benefits of the kaolin clay mask for whitening skin and beauty

White skin is a dream for most Asian women, and kaolin clay will help make this dream come true easily. Many kaolin cosmetics are available in shops to choose from, ranging from soap, scrub, deodorant, facial powder and facial masks. Kaolin clay is a type of soft white clay used mainly for cosmetic purposes.

It is named after the Chinese mountain Kao Ling, where the clay was mined and mined centuries ago. But now it is time to take advantage of this and use the kaolin clay mask to whiten the skin.

What are its advantages?

1. A kaolin clay mask reduces skin fatness

Kaolin clay is a natural absorbent, actually an intensive absorbent! It is able to absorb excess sebum on the skin not only on the surface, but also inside the pores!

2. A kaolin clay mask cleans pores and cleanses the skin

Because kaolin clay is a natural detoxifying agent, it can suck dirt, dirt, germs or other impurities out of pores, because otherwise it can clog and cause boils if ignored.

3. kaolin clay mask cleanses the skin

Kaolin clay is a gentle substance that is also suitable for daily face cleansing.

4. The kaolin clay mask is very good for irritated skin

Whether caused by insect bites, poison ivy or just a rash, a kaolin clay mask can handle it all!

5. A kaolin clay mask soothes sensitive skin

Kaolin clay is the softest clay of all clays, which means that it is definitely safe for people with sensitive or acne prone skin. Find out the secrets of beauty here: a list of herbs for healthy skin.

6. A kaolin clay mask treats acne

Skin redness, irritation, pain and pus, which are common to acne, can also be treated with a weekly kaolin clay mask. Ganpati's acne cream and skin cleansing cream will be of similar benefit.

7. A kaolin clay mask also works as a natural shampoo

Thanks to its ability to absorb dirt, oils and other impurities, kaolin clay can be turned into a natural shampoo, especially in combination. You can also try to use the advantages of bentonitic clay hair mask.

8. A kaolin clay mask exfoliates dead skin cells

Despite the fact that kaolin clay has a slightly abrasive structure, it remains an excellent exfoliating agent. It easily scrapes off dead skin cells to make them fresher and smoother.

9. A kaolin clay mask is used for deodorants

Being anti-toxin, kaolin clay is also added to some types of deodorants. Kaolin clay absorbs sweat from underarms to prevent unpleasant smell.

10. A kaolin clay mask cleans teeth

Surprisingly, kaolin clay is often used as an ingredient in toothpaste because of its whitening properties and its ability to remove toxins, plaque and tartar from teeth.

11. kaolin clay mask tightens, tones and strengthens the skin

And finally, kaolin health benefits: it lifts, tones and strengthens the skin as the final stage of kaolin clay use. After all, it is a tonic feature of kaolin clay (as well as a natural bleaching agent), which helps to make the skin more balanced! You can also use the 6 benefits of a banana mask for skin and natural beauty.

How to make a kaolin clay mask

  1. 2 teaspoons of white kaolin clay
  2. 1 tablespoon of green tea
  3. One teaspoon of aloe vera gel. Find out what aloe vera is good for your skin.
  4. 2 drops of healthy lavender oil
  5. A little bowl and a spoon
  6. Face mask brush
  7. Towel
  8. measures

First, use a small bowl to mix kaolin clay and green tea until it becomes pasta. Then add lavender oil and aloe vera gel.

  • Mix everything well.
  • Immerse the face mask and apply it evenly to the face and neck. Avoid eyes, mouth and eyebrows.
  • Leave the mask for 5 minutes.
  • After that, rinse off with warm water or soak with a warm, damp towel.
  • Wash your face with cold water and dry with a towel.
  • Finally, apply the moisturizing cream as usual.
  • This mask can be used 1-2 times a week.
  • Cautions and recommendations
  • Kaolin clay has always been intended for outdoor use only, as its use can lead to lead poisoning, asphyxiation, intestinal obstruction and skin wounds.

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