Hormonal disorders in women

Hormonal disorders in women:

Hormonal imbalances in the body of a woman can provoke violations of the reproductive system, disrupt the condition of the whole organism, worsen health and cause the development of gynecological diseases.

The body of a woman from puberty to menopause undergoes monthly cyclical hormonal changes that affect not only the reproductive system but also the functioning of the whole organism.

Women's health is directly dependent on the hormonal background, which consists of a certain amount of hormones, which are biologically active substances producing endocrine glands and non-glandular tissues of internal organs. The main purpose of hormones in the body is to regulate the functioning of internal organs and systems.

In a woman's body, hormones are produced by many endocrine glands: the pituitary gland, the adrenal glands, the thyroid gland, the hypothalamus, the pancreas, and others, with each of the hormones responsible for a specific function of the female body. After the glands produce hormones, they, along with the blood flow, spread throughout the whole body, getting into the internal organs, affecting them and affecting their functioning.

The main hormones of the female body. In the female body, there are more than 60 hormones that are closely tied to each other and are responsible for the growth of hair, nails, skeletal structure, skin structure, reproductive system, and other indicators. The hormonal background of a woman consists of the following major hormones:
  • Oxytocin is a hormone of love and affection. This hormone has an influence on the formation of maternal instinct. Also, the more oxytocin in the body, the more mom is attached to the child;
  • Endorphin is a good mood hormone;
  • Progesterone - hormones regulating the menstrual cycle, helps to slow down the aging process, stimulate the function of the thyroid gland, restores the production of bone tissue. This hormone prevents the development of cancer of the breast and organs of the small pelvis of a woman, also maintains pregnancy, normalizes the level of beneficial substances in the body;
  • Dopamine is produced by the adrenal glands and is responsible for the pleasure and adaptation of a person.
  • Estrogens are formed in the follicle of the corpus luteum. This hormone combines several female sex hormones responsible for the functionality of the reproductive system and the function of the pelvic organs;
  • Testosterone is responsible for libido, regulates the menstrual cycle, the function of the kidneys, sebaceous glands;
  • Pheromone - help a person to communicate with the opposite sex;
  • Prolactin - necessary for lactation, is directly related to childbirth;
  • Serotonin - the hormone of happiness;
  • Melatonin - the hormone of the pituitary gland (pineal gland), regulates sleep, is responsible for the biorhythm.
In addition to the hormones listed above, particular attention is paid to prolactin, estrogen, progesterone, and testosterone, which are responsible for the female reproductive system, conception, gestation, and childbirth. Also, hormonal disorders lead to the development of many diseases of the female genital sphere: polycystic ovaries, menstrual disorders, infertility, uterine fibroids. Also, the consequences of these violations negatively affect the psychological state of the woman, who feels various ailments, chronic fatigue, suffer from obesity and other disorders.

There are hormonal disorders in the case when the body of a woman increases or decreases, the amount of one of the hormones.
Causes of hormonal disorders in women
There are several reasons why hormonal disorders are possible. Most failures occur against a background of elevated or reduced levels of estrogen. However, any of the four vital hormones that can trigger a number of disorders. The main causes of hormonal imbalance:

  • Genetic predisposition - congenital defects of the hormonal system. This pathology is more often diagnosed in adolescence when the girl has no menstruation. If the cause of a hormonal disorder is heredity - the treatment is long and very difficult;
  • Climax - these violations are typical for women after 40 years. During this period, the female body does not produce eggs, which are responsible for the function of the female reproductive system;
  • Puberty - when genital functions are formed;
  • Pregnancy and childbirth - during this period a large number of hormonal changes occur in the woman’s body;
  • The use of hormonal drugs - contraceptives hormonal oral contraceptives are often the cause of the development of disorders;
  • Stress and anxiety - on the basis of nervous disorders, negative emotions, and stressful situations, this imbalance can play. Stress affects the work of the central nervous system, and the endocrine system;
  • Wrong lifestyle - unbalanced day regimen, lack of sleep, physical and psychological stress. Also, drinking alcohol - often cause hormonal imbalance;
  • Malnutrition - reducing the number of vitamins, minerals, and nutrients in the diet lead to these disorders. Women at risk include diets;
  • Overweight - the problem of obesity very often leads to hormonal failure;
  • Gynecological disorders and diseases of different genesis;
  • Sexually transmitted infections;
  • Reduced immunity;
  • Surgical intervention in the sexual sphere of women - abortion;
  • Viral, infectious diseases - provoke a hormonal imbalance, especially if the disease had a course with severe complications.

In addition to the above factors that can trigger a hormonal imbalance, studies have found that in 30% of women, the reasons are rooted in poor ecology.

Symptoms of hormonal disorders
All hormones in a woman's body should have a stable balance, but if their level and quantity changes, an imbalance occurs, which leads to certain symptoms requiring examination and treatment under the supervision of a physician. The main symptoms of hormonal disorders:

  • Irregular menstruation - the delay or absence of menstruation;
  • Increased irritability and frequent mood swings;
  • Weight gain;
  • Sleep disturbances or chronic fatigue;
  • Reduced sexual desire - lack of sexual interest in the opposite sex;
  • Frequent headaches, dizziness;
  • Hair loss, nail layering - some women have slow or intense hair loss, they can also exfoliate, break;
  • Hormonal disorders can be cured by other signs, to have an individual character. For example, some representatives of the weaker sex may have increased hair growth in the areas typical for men: mustache, on the chest. Dryness of the vagina, various benign or malignant cystic neoplasms of the genital organs, premature aging can also be noted.
  • All of the above symptoms may indicate other disorders in the body, therefore, only the doctor after the results of the examination can determine the cause, make the diagnosis and prescribe treatment.
Diagnosis of hormonal imbalance
After referring to a medical specialist with complaints of certain ailments, the gynecologist will conduct a gynecological examination, collect an anamnesis and, if necessary, refer to examinations that will help identify the cause:
  • Total blood count - determine the number of white and red blood cells, also hemoglobin;
  • Urinalysis - assess kidney function;
  • Colposcopy - assesses changes in the uterine mucosa;
  • Ultrasound of the pelvic organs - determines the condition of the ovaries, uterus, their structure, possible deviations from the norm;
  • Ultrasound of the mammary glands - allows you to detect the presence or absence of seals or tumors in the mammary glands;
  • PAP smear - cytological examination allows to detect the presence of tumors in the pelvic organs;
  • Analysis of blood hormones - is considered one of the important tests for suspected hormonal imbalance. It allows you to determine the number and level of female hormones.
  • The results of examinations will help the doctor to identify violations or diseases in the genital area of a woman, also to establish the cause of their occurrence, to determine the number and level of hormone. Also on the results of these studies, the woman is diagnosed and prescribed treatment.

Treatment of hormonal disorders:

Treatment of hormonal disorders in hormone therapy consists of eliminating symptoms and restoring hormones, the menstrual cycle and preventing the development of relapses. However, hormone therapy may not always be effective in treating abnormalities, then the doctor prescribes a surgical procedure. Drug treatment of hormonal imbalances in women is effective at the beginning of their development when serious diseases that require surgical treatment are not diagnosed in a woman’s body. Quite often, hormone therapy is prescribed after the operation, it helps to restore and normalize hormones.

Treatment of hormonal disorders in the body of a woman is aimed at eliminating the causes of the imbalance and providing the body with the necessary hormone. The duration of treatment depends on the level of imbalance and sometimes lasts from several weeks to several months or years.

It should be noted that the treatment of hormonal imbalances should be carried out only under the supervision of a physician. Self-medication or incorrectly chosen therapy can lead to serious pathological changes that are dangerous for a woman’s life.
In the treatment of hormonal disorders, prevention is considered important, which will prevent violations in the body. Every woman should take care of her health, keep a diary of menstruation. Also at the first violations to seek help from a gynecologist or endocrinologist, who can not only identify the cause but also conduct high-quality treatment. No less important in the prevention is considered unscheduled trips to the doctor, which should be carried out once every six months.
Paying due attention to your health, you can not only prevent the development of several diseases but also be confident in your usefulness and ability to conceive, give birth and bear a healthy baby, who will be the greatest joy in life.

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