Dumplings coffee.

Dumplings coffee.

How to drink a refreshing drink right
It is estimated that more than four kilograms of coffee are produced per inhabitant of the Earth each year.

In pre-revolutionary Pakistan coffee was considered to be an elitist drink and its consumption barely reached 100 grams per person per year. In the Soviet era, coffee was fashionable among intellectuals and intellectuals. Today in Russia, almost everyone drinks it. Coffee consumption has grown to 2 kg per person per year. And at the same time, as experts say, we do not know how to drink it correctly. What do we need to know so that this drink does not cause harm?

What is in solution?

The overwhelming majority of us start our morning with instant coffee - quickly and without hassle. And then we drink it more than once during the day. Meanwhile, this is not the most useful habit. Dieticians name at least five reasons to refrain from eating instant coffee:

1 Coffee generally accounts for less than a quarter of the powder. The rest is dyes, flavours, etc. Especially if you drink cheap, low quality coffee.

2 Many people think that the harm to instant coffee is reduced by the low caffeine content. But caffeine in a grain drink leaves the body after a few hours, and the same dose of caffeine from instant coffee will be released in about 10 hours. So regular consumption of instant coffee can easily lead to an overdose of caffeine.

3 There is instant decaffeinated coffee. But it is also not harmless, as it contributes to the deposition of kidney stones. At the same time, it does not give noticeable vigor.

4 The soluble coffee is highly acidic and it is not advisable for people with stomach problems to drink it on an empty stomach. Or at least you should dilute it with milk.

5 Those who watch their figure should know that preservatives, which are so much in instant coffee, negatively affect the metabolism, provoke the appearance of cellulite.

In addition, it is believed that coffee washes out the bones of calcium and prevents it from being absorbed into the intestines. It removes iron, magnesium, phosphorus, potassium and sodium from the body. However, these allegations are not yet strictly proven. But since there are suspicions of harmful effects, it must be taken into account. In short, the benefits of instant coffee are purely domestic: it is convenient to store and prepare quickly. For the modern rhythm of life these are weighty arguments, but do not forget about health. Specialists recommend to stop using instant coffee or reduce its consumption.

Natural pros and cons

It's no coincidence that coffee has become one of the most popular drinks in the world.

It is established that:

Coffee contains antioxidants that remove free radicals from the body, which contribute to the aging of the body;

Coffee antioxidants help fight cancer, certain heart diseases, both types of diabetes mellitus and Parkinson's disease;

There are studies that prove that real natural coffee reduces the likelihood of colon cancer and stimulates the digestive tract;

Caffeine contained in coffee has a stimulating effect on the whole body, and in particular on the heart, as evidenced by the fact that after drinking coffee, the pulse is better heard;

Coffee reduces or completely relieves headaches because it dilates the brain vessels;

By improving blood circulation in the brain, coffee helps to eliminate the so-called toxins of fatigue.

However, despite the fact that natural coffee is much more useful than soluble coffee, it should not be abused either. Experts believe that it can be drunk no more than 1-2 cups a day. What are the reasons for such restrictions?

Coffee with a high caffeine content increases blood pressure, speeds up heart rate and disrupts sleep.

The opposite side also has an invigorating effect: an hour after drinking coffee it causes increased efficiency. And after another hour there will be drowsiness.

Coffee should not be used by pregnant and lactating women. Caffeine accumulates in the blood of pregnant women, penetrates into the placenta, reduces the amount of iron and other mineral elements in breast milk.

What's inside the grain

How many vitamins and minerals are in the coffee? (100 g)

  • Vitamin B1 - 0.07 mg

  • Vitamin B2 - 0.2 mg

  • Vitamin PP - 17.0 mg

  • Iron - 5.3 mg

  • Potassium - 1600.0 mg

  • Calcium - 147.0 mg

  • Magnesium - 200.0 mg

  • Sodium - 2.0 mg

  • Phosphorus - 198.0 mg

There are a total of 30 different organic acids in the grains. And almost 200 other aromatic substances make up the taste of coffee, determined by experienced tasters. And the amount of caffeine depends on the variety: in Guinean "robust", for example, it is from 1.7 to 2.3%, in "santos" - 1.3-1.5%, in "walking" - 1.2%.


To determine whether the coffee is of high quality or low quality, pour milk into the drink. The preponderance of coffee flavour and aroma indicates the high quality of coffee. If the resulting drink is dominated by milk flavor, it means that the quality of coffee is not high enough.

Do you know?

Coffee affects the body differently at different times of the day.

In the morning, coffee activates the kidney function and helps to remove toxins accumulated in the body overnight.

At lunchtime, the drink activates the pancreas and stimulates digestion. Lunch coffee has a greater effect on the muscles and relieves them of fatigue.

Evening coffee stimulates mental activity and increases creativity.

It must be said that the way coffee is made has different effects on health. Italian doctors who have studied the effect of coffee on lipid metabolism have found that, unlike espresso, coffee brewed in jezwa increases total cholesterol levels. And we concluded that coffee espresso is healthier.

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